Readying for another road trip later today, I thought about how much things have changed over the years:
- Remember paper maps? Maps that unfolded with landmarks and highway intersections? You’d need a companion to help navigate. Now – I rely on an iPhone or car navigation system. I prefer the phone because one can listen for upcoming turns and still enjoy the radio. My car system talks over the radio and I end up missing sing-along opportunities, political updates, and advice from Dr. Laura.
- Packing for an overnight requires just as much effort as packing for four. Vitamins, hair stuff, makeup, jewelry, pajamas/robe, in-room clothes, work clothes, travel clothes, computer, portfolio, shoes, phone charger and more. And coffee, don’t forget the coffee.
- I don’t sleep well in hotels. Part of my packing routine involves a good book and essential oils; most times, I average 4 hours of flipping & flopping vs. the 7 solid Zs at home.
- As much work as it is, I still enjoy going. Meeting new people and getting out of my comfort zone. Example, tomorrow I’m one of several giving a presentation to company peers and executives. Now I make presentations on a regular basis but usually before total strangers. Peers are far more daunting. So I do what I always have: prepare, know my stuff, and nail it! (And a little self pep-talk never hurts.)
- And as much as I love the going, the coming home is even better.
“Home is where you go to find solace from the ever changing chaos, to find love within the confines of a heartless world, and to be reminded that no matter how far you wander, there will always be something waiting when you return.” – Kendal Rob
What do you enjoy about the going? What do you never travel without?